Food Production Lab :

Our food production lab is well equipped with all the latest catering equipment and appliance. The spacious and well ventilated kitchen lab helps the students to learn essentials of food production art case. International cuisines are mentioned in our food production lab with modern technique of cooking, precautions. The Importance of hygiene is also taught here.

Advance Training Kitchen :
A most modern well equipped kitchen to impart training for different cuisines. Almost 24 students can work individually in the kitchen at a time.

Quantity Food Kitchen :
The kitchen is designed to produce food in quantity.

Basic Training Kitchen :
The kitchen is designed for the beginners, where basic cooking skills are imparted.

Bakery :
A modern bakery with an attatched fully air conditioned confectionery.

Larder & Cold Room :
A fully equipped larder with an adjacent cold room.

Demo Kitchen :
The Institute also has a specially designed demo kitchen.